Just about everything food-wise, has an expiration date, right?  Have you ever used something past the expiration date? You’ve heard the old saying “when in doubt, toss it out”, huh?  However, there are times that foods have a longer life than you may think.  Take a look…

Dairy products – Probably expire more quickly than most foods and more often than not, we can typically use our noses rather than having posted expiration date.  No, milk is not supposed to be chunky.  Really, it’s not.  They say milk can be used for one week aft its sell-by date as long as it is continuously in the fridge, and 3 months if it has been in the freezer.  Greek yogurt can last 1-2 weeks past the printed date if kept in the fridge.  Parmesan cheese, since it is dry, can last 2 to 4 months past the printed date and 6-8 months in the freezer.

Fruit - Some fruits have a long shelf life while others go from ripe to rotten quickly. Hey, didn’t we just buy these bananas? Fresh fruit may not have an expiration date so use common sense as well as your sense of smell, touch, taste and sight.  A carton of blueberries can last anywhere from 5-10 days after purchase if refrigerated, but only 2-3 days if left out at room temperature. Apples have a much longer shelf life - up to 4 weeks left out and 1-2 months if stored in the fridge or a dark cool place.

Poultry, Fish, and Meat - Pay attention to sell-by dates because the window for freshness can be short. Again, your senses offer the best clue as to whether these highly perishable proteins are still edible. As a rule of thumb, fresh chicken in the fridge may be good only 1-2 days after the expiration date, while roasted chicken can last for 7 days. Fish can last in the fridge 1 or 2 days longer than the printed date, several months longer if it is frozen.  The same holds for fresh cuts of beef and pork. Deli meats are generally okay for up to 6 days after the printed date, but if the color and consistency seems off, toss it out.

Breads, Crackers, Cereals - Fresh baked bread goes stale fast – just 2-3 days after its sell-by date.  Packaged bread has a longer shelf life, lasting up to 7 days past its labeled date if kept in an air-tight package or in the fridge. An open box of cereal or crackers can last for up to 6 months if the inner lining is tightly shut.  Air, moisture, heat and light hasten spoilage so keep these foods in a cool dry cupboard.

Vegetables - Like fruit, most fresh vegetables don’t come with a use-by date, so cues such as firmness, color, and smell are your best indicators for freshness.  Asparagus usually lasts 5-7 days after purchase, while orange bell peppers may be fine for up to 2 extra weeks. As for canned vegetables, if stored in a cool dry place these have a remarkable shelf life that may go 1-2 years past the printed date.

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