Is Richard Simmons still alive? Have you wondered what your favorite 1980's fitness personality has been up to lately? Well good news to report on, Richard Simmons is alive and kicking! Here's a few facts you didn't know about him:

Richard Simmons Was Once Obese


Guess what? The man you always see working out was once obese. He was obese throughout his childhood and at one point weighed 268 pounds. In 1969 Simmons landed a appearance in Fellini Satyricon where he is seen being overweight. The movie was based on the reign of the emperor Nero and set in imperial Rome. Simmons played the character named Lyre Player.

Richard Simmons Is Good Friends With Howard Stern

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This might be a big surprise to many but Richard Simmons and Howard Stern are good friends. Simmons was a frequent guest on The Howard Stern Show in the 1990s. Even to this day he makes appearances/call ins to the show.

Richard Simmons Was On General Hospital In 1979


Fact: other than dancing with big women of the 80's, Simmons was on the soaps stealing their hearts in the 70's. According to IMDB, Richard Simmons was a few episodes of the soap opera General Hospital in 1979.

Richard Simmons Is A Class Act


Unlike most of Hollywood, Simmons still personally answers emails and letters, and makes hundreds of phone calls each week to those who seek his help. The guy still cares about others before himself.

Now Get Ready To Dance With Richard



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