There is no doubt that your host, Chip Douglas, is fond of food.  Keep comments to yourself, but I don't know what I would do if I ever encountered a dilemma to this extent.

A woman in Georgia, was pulled over for a traffic violation.  The officer spotted a spoon with a dried substance in a plastic bag in her car.  She maintained that the spoon was for SpaghettiOs that she had been eating.  Needless to say, the officer wasn't buying that story.  Would you? So, after a field test, the spoon tested positive for meth, and she was booked for possession.  She stuck to her story.

Ok, after being released from jail, she was court ordered to take drug counseling classes, but after missing some appointments, she had to go back to jail and remain there because she couldn't pay the bond.

Now she has missed events with her children and was fired from her job.

After spending a month in jail, the tests finally confirmed that there were no drugs on the spoon.

Yes, this is why we have public defenders, people. Here we have a completely innocent woman, no track record of drug usage, no nothing, and she's put in jail because of spaghetti sauce. Unbelievable.

Once the test came back, all charges were dismissed and she was released.

This really makes you wary about driving with any utensils in your car, doesn't it?


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